Retail Station Survey

Retail Station Survey

All fuel retail dealers in British Columbia are required to complete this short survey regarding each of their retail station(s) in the province. Retail dealers who own multiple retail stations must complete a separate survey for each retail station. For retail dealers who own more than 10 retail stations under the same corporate entity, please contact For assistance with filling out this survey, please see Appendix A in the BCUC's letter to all retail dealers. The information provided in the Retail Station Survey will be used to assist in selecting retail stations for Phase II of the Retail Pilot. The survey will be open until March 5, 2021.

Confidentiality: If a retail dealer requests that their survey, or certain portions of their survey, be kept confidential, they must indicate this by selecting the confidential tick box next to each relevant survey field, and fill out the Reasons for Confidentiality comment box at the end of the survey. Fuel data that a responsible person identifies as confidential must be accompanied with reasons as to why the fuel data should remain confidential and be designated as protected information by the BCUC.

Tick box if
requesting confidentiality

Responsible Person Information

Tick box if
requesting confidentiality

Retail Station Details

Tick box if
requesting confidentiality

Details about Fuel


Tick box if
requesting confidentiality

Reasons for Confidentiality

Below please briefly describe the nature of the information in the submission and the reasons you are requesting it remain confidential, including the specific harm that could reasonably be expected to result if the information was made publicly available, either on an individual, aggregated or anonymized basis. Please describe how the need for confidentiality of any or all of the information may change as time passes. (4000 characters maximum)

By using this survey service, you agree to use the service in a manner consistent with all applicable laws and regulations.

Your contact information will be used and stored in accordance with the BCUC's Privacy Policy. By clicking this box, you agree to your name and contact information being used in accordance with that policy.

The BCUC is a public body under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) and certain records in our custody or control may be subject to the right of access to information under that law. Your personal information is being collected and retained for the purpose of handling your inquiry or comment in compliance with FIPPA, which is subject to the independent oversight of the BC Information and Privacy Commissioner. If you have any questions about the collection, use, or disclosure of personal information please contact the Commission Secretary at