BC Fuel Info

Price Factors

The interactive dashboards below show how fuel prices can differ by city, year, fuel type, and other components. Use the dashboards to compare fuel prices in one city to other cities across BC and Canada; see what factors are included in the price of fuel; and/or learn how fuel prices have changed in BC since 2016.

We make regular updates to this website as additional data is collected. Click Special Projects to see more information regarding fuel prices in BC. If you cannot find the information you are looking for, please let us know by filling out the Feedback Form, and check this site regularly for further updates.

Dashboard 1 - Average Price by Region

This map shows how fuel price averages differ from region to region. Areas with larger bubbles experience higher prices than those with smaller bubbles. Compare your city or a city of your choosing with cities across BC and Canada, to see what the price of gas or diesel is. Change years, fuel type, cities, and components to find out more.

Components such as retail price, taxes, refining price and the price of crude oil all affect the average price of fuel in BC. Hover over the graph to see a definition of each component that makes up the cost of fuel.

Retail Margin: The BC government has defined Retail Margin as, “the difference between the amount a retailer pays for gasoline and diesel and the amount the retailer charges its customers for gasoline and diesel, excluding taxes”.

Refining Margin: The BC government has defined Refining Margin as, “the difference between the amount the refiner pays for crude oil and other components, and the amount the refiner charges its customers in the wholesale market for gasoline and diesel”.

Picking one price component at a time, a fuel type and a date range, this dashboard will show you the comparison of that component in the cities you have selected over a specific period of time.

Fuel prices can change daily. This dashboard shows the daily trends in fuel prices, customized by region, date, fuel type and component.

Similar to Dashboard 2 (above), this dashboard compares the average fuel prices in different cities, by year and fuel type, but by one price component at a time.

Retail Margin: The BC government has defined Retail Margin as, “the difference between the amount a retailer pays for gasoline and diesel and the amount the retailer charges its customers for gasoline and diesel, excluding taxes”.

Refining Margin: The BC government has defined Refining Margin as, “the difference between the amount the refiner pays for crude oil and other components, and the amount the refiner charges its customers in the wholesale market for gasoline and diesel”.

By selecting a Fuel Type in the graph, see how the price of crude oil compares to the PNW spot, local rack, and retail prices of gasoline or diesel, in a select city, over time.

As Administrator of the FPT Act, the BCUC tracks data on the factors that influence fuel prices in BC. Changes in retail pump prices in BC are largely driven by changes in key factors such as world crude oil prices, wholesale spot market prices in the Pacific Northwest (PNW), and local wholesale rack prices. We continue to monitor fuel prices and, in the event these key factors no longer align with retail pump prices, we will investigate the cause of any discrepancies.

Disclaimer: The above fuel price data is publicly available on the Kalibrate Canada Inc. ((Kalibrate), formerly Kent Group Ltd.) website. Kalibrate collects retail fuel pricing data at a set time each day in the morning. The BCUC's Gasoline and Diesel Prices Inquiry Report identified that the practice of canvassing the retail fuel prices at a specific time each morning may not reflect the price most fuel volume is being sold each day. We are exploring other potential data sources.