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Improvements to this website will be made as more data is collected and as we learn what information you would like to see. Tell us what you think and what you'd like to see on this website by filling out the Feedback Form below.

As the Administrator of BC's Fuel Price Transparency Act, the BCUC is responsible for collecting fuel price data, we are not responsible for setting fuel prices or regulating the fuel industry.

Your contact information will be used and stored in accordance with our Privacy Policy. By clicking this button, you agree to your name and contact information being used in accordance with that policy.

The BCUC is a public body under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) and certain records in our custody or control may be subject to the right of access to information under that law. Your personal information is being collected and retained for the purpose of handling your inquiry or comment in compliance with FIPPA, which is subject to the independent oversight of the BC Information and Privacy Commissioner. If you have any questions about the collection, use, or disclosure of personal information please contact the Commission Secretary at